Cathy Zander Retrospective
December 2019- January 2020
In loving memory
Inspired by Monet’s waterlilies, Cathy took her first art class at the Cleveland Museum of Art at the age of eight, and immediately wanted to be an artist. By high school, she was taking classes at the Cleveland Institute of Art. Her first teaching position was at the local YMCA when she was only 16.
Painting in oil, acrylic, watercolor and mixed media, Cathy also made sculpture, mosaics, jewelry, and art to wear. Since moving to California, she had taught at every level; from nursery school to high school to senior centers. She had also taught for galleries, recreation departments, art stores, school district adult education programs, art clubs and private classes.
Ever the learner and always a teacher, Cathy continued to pursue new media and new types of work. She had taught in Los Altos, Mountain View, and here, at the Pacific Art League for over 20 years. Her students range from teenagers to seniors and include veterans with post traumatic stress.
Cathy passed away in 2020 at her home in Los Altos, California.
“When I teach, I talk to people about the elements of art. It is important to pay attention to line, shape, color, contrast and perspective. It is also critical to throw in emotion. What I like about teaching is inspiring people.”
- Cathy Zander
Remembering Cathy
“Cathy was the most generous , empathetic and kindest person I have ever known. Always the first one to volunteer for events at the Pacific Art League, she consistently managed to come just at the right time to help out. At one dinner party I had for PAL in my home, she stayed until midnight helping my husband and I do all the dishes. She never had an unkind word to say about anybody. A superlative art teacher and a fabulous painter herself, I will miss her greatly.”
— Robin Scholl
“I am very glad we were able to honor Cathy last year, she was a lovely soul. I will always remember her for bustling around PAL, her long and lovely messages on my phone, and all the hard work she and Paul put into the Art Festival in 2018, she manned the booth all weekend and was a delight for all those who joined in to help. Cathy is emblematic of what PAL represents, kindness, community and fun.”
— Jon Graves
“Cathy always felt “at home” at Pacific Art League as did most of us during our teaching days there. She was the first to volunteer if anyone needed help. She was a faithful substitute for my classes whenever I needed one. She was always in motion, putting up a show or talking us into hanging art at cafes or doing Open Studios. I am saddened by her absence and so miss having her among us.”