Jared Sines
March - July 2020
California native and artist Jared Sines didn't exactly have the average childhood: when he was 8 years old, his father enrolled him in the Richard Stephens Academy of Art (now Academy of Art University) in a nude life drawing class. Jared’s dad was an accomplished fine and commercial artist. From a young age, Jared and his dad, who ran his own ad agency, enjoyed working on various art projects as well as going plein air painting together. His dad also taught him the fundamentals of advertising art and copy writing at his office in San Francisco.
“It's like a video game: I reach another level of achievement and challenge myself to move to the next.”
– Jared Sines
About the artist
California native and artist Jared Sines didn't exactly have the average childhood: when he was 8 years old, his father enrolled him in the Richard Stephens Academy of Art (now Academy of Art University) in a nude life drawing class. Jared’s dad was an accomplished fine and commercial artist. From a young age, Jared and his dad, who ran his own ad agency, enjoyed working on various art projects as well as going plein air painting together. His dad also taught him the fundamentals of advertising art and copywriting at his office in San Francisco.
While attending San Francisco State College in the early 60s, Jared discovered the immaculate still lifes of Al Proom and Gerald Stinski. Painted in the style of the 17th century European masters, they inspired him to try to achieve the hyperrealism of these contemporary masters.
Sines' method is very precise, involving small, soft brushes and what is called a "glazing method," or painting many thin layers onto smooth panels. Sines often works on many pieces at a time, allowing one layer to dry on one painting while he starts another.Sines’ imagination allows him to take part of what he sees in a photograph, part of what is in front of him, and part pure creativity to achieve the best scene. "I fiddle with the composition and assemble as I go," he said. "It's like a video game: I reach another level of achievement and challenge myself to move to the next."
In 2005, Jared joined the faculty of the Pacific Art League, where he teaches oil painting and runs the uninstructed life drawing class. He has exhibited across the state, from La Jolla to San Francisco. Presently, his still lifes and landscapes are on display at New Masters Gallery in Carmel, The Garden Gallery in Half Moon Bay, and the Portola Art Gallery in Menlo Park.

The Process
Sines’ method is very precise, involving small, soft brushes and what is called a “glazing method,” or painting many thin layers on at a time on to smooth panels. Because of the layers involved, Sines often works on many pieces at a time, allowing one layer to dry on one painting while he starts another.