Wish You Were Here:
The Postcard Show
April - June 2020
In 1921 when the Pacific Art League was first formed, our Mission Statement was to “encourage friendship among artists”. Now almost 100 years later, PAL continues to promote friendship and connections between creatives in our community.
With the theme “Wish You Were Here” this show features postcard-sized (4”x6”) art inspired by experiences sheltering-in-place during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our community of artists, at all levels and media, share their experience through creative expression through postcards.
“What a beautiful way to connect with others… without having to speak to them”
– Diana F.
Participating Artists
Aba Nathan
Abby Holmes
Amanda Morris
Bill Jackson
Catherine Chang
Christina Gessler
Claire Tu
Claudia Gray
Corinne Landphere
Craig Carlton Dremann
Danessa Mayo
Daniela Barnea
Denise Natanson Marcus
Dmitry Grudsky
Doreen Cohen
Ellen Barker
Ellen Kramer
Eric Doyle
Helena Faitelson
Ina Johnson
Jake Kearn
Jane Moorman
Janie Farn
Jared Sines
Jenna Meihui Lee
Jill Mellick
Joan Angelooulos
Joan Hancock
Joy Chase
Judy Kramer
Julie Meridian
Karen Cox
Karin Denson
Kay Culpepper
Ken Perkins
Kieran Callahan
Kimberley Wong
Kitzi Tanner
Laal Rezayani
Laura Deem
Linda Covello
Lori Hobson
Mali Mann
Marianna Kiraly
Marissa Huang
Marj Green
Martha Slavin
Martin Bernstein
Mary Holzer
Mary Jane Elmore
May Shei
Meghan McCall Hollister
Mojdeh Vijeh
Nancy Donaldson
Naomi Burns
Nathalie Strand
Pastel Schway
Patricia Jones
Poem Schway
Qian Liu
Rishi Ranganathan
Robert Dvorak
Robin Sawyer
Robin Scholl
Sachiyo Yamasaki
Sam Kelly
Shirley A. Hollis
Smitha Yellamraju
Stacey James
Steve Curl
Susan Meade
Susan R. Mendelsohn
Suzanne Maguire-Negus
Sylvia Wuensche-Wienands
Teri Vershel
Tim Passaro
Tom Green
Violet Callahan
Wayne Kvenvold

Looking to the Future
Due to the shelter in place ordinance we were unable to have a physical version of this show. We hope in the future, when the time is right, we’ll bring this show back into our gallery space.
Here is a sample of the nearly 400 pieces of art submitted to Wish You Were Here: The Postcard Show.